Arrival/Departure to School
Nitro High School is a closed campus as outlined in KCS Policy C46: Closed Campus. All students must remain on campus once they arrive on the premises unless they follow the attendance guidelines for signing out. Students are not permitted across the street on the sidewalk, or in any parking lot. Any student who leaves the school campus without permission and correspondence between the school and guardian during the school day will be subject to disciplinary action.
Until the first bell at 8:30 students should report to the commons or cafeteria.
Attendance Procedures
Regular attendance is a crucial component to academic success. Students need to make every effort to attend each and every class every day. The following procedures have been established to facilitate this expectation at NHS
For Absences: Students are expected to submit a written note to the Attendance Clerk in the Main Office before the start of the instructional day on the day of the student’s return. The Attendance Clerk and Administration will determine if the absence is considered excused. However, the student’s absence will be considered unexcused without a written note from the parent/guardian. Doctors' excuses will be verified. Note that an excessive number of absences may result in revocation of driving privileges and attendance at special school functions
All students should be on time and attend school every day. WV State law requires a legal notification be mailed home when a student has ten (10) or more unexcused absences, along with a letter from the Kanawha County Prosecutor’s Office
All students arriving late or returning from an appointment must use the sign in window located outside the main office and obtain a note to get into class.
Sign-Outs: All students must sign out in the office before leaving the school premises. The parent/guardian and/or student must sign out and check with the Attendance Clerk before leaving. Any student leaving school without properly signing out will be subject to disciplinary measures
For Requests to Leave School: A written request or E-mail from the parent/guardian must be presented to the Attendance Clerk before the start of the instructional day. When the student reports to the office the Attendance Clerk will make contact with the phone number ON FILE to verify Email sign outs. Leaving for the purpose of eating lunch is not an acceptable reason to sign out. However, it is understood that oftentimes students will use their lunch time to make scheduled medical appointments in an attempt not to miss instructional time. Students may only sign out with a parent note 5 times per semester. If students sign out for medical reasons they are expected to submit a doctor’s excuse. The following information must be included: Time of departure, contact number of parent/guardian, reason for dismissal, name of doctor (if applicable), and student’s means of transport. Students signing out to eat lunch is not an acceptable reason.
No Phone calls will be accepted to check a student out of school. Unless a written request has been filed with the Attendance Clerk before the start of the instructional day the parent /guardian must come into the Main Office to check out his or her child. Parents must list on the emergency card or have on file an alternate approved adult who, in emergency or exceptional situations, may need to substitute for the parent
Parent’s Request for Early Dismissal: When a parent/guardian requests that his/her child leave school, the parent accepts responsibility for the safety of the child.
Students participating in any athletic or extracurricular activity must be present at school unless prior arrangements have been approved by the administration.
Satisfactory Attendance for Special Functions: In order to participate in Winter Formal, Prom, Kings Island, or other designated activities, all students must maintain satisfactory attendance, per our special Attendance Policy.
Emergencies and Special Circumstances: If an emergency arises after 9:00 a.m. and the student is not able to provide written permission before then each case will be evaluated by the administrative staff. Reasonable efforts will be made to contact the parents or guardian to verify. Written permission may still be required.